Thursday, July 5, 2012

Show review for 6/29/2012

Click here for a brief summary of the show

Highs: As has often been the case, Father Rob's temper stole the show, both when he exhibited it (Father Rob's Righteous Anger) and when he was forced to apologize for it (Lino Is Sorry… And So Is Father Rob). In between both, we got another solid round of No Dumb Questions about the faith.

Lows: Nothing really to speak of.

Our take: Much better than the past two days of shows.

Grade: B+

Show review for 6/28/2012

Click here for a brief summary of the show

Highs: It wasn't a bad show, but this time around there just wasn't anything that really made us sit up and listen.

Lows: Fortunately there wasn't really anything that repelled us, either... unless you count the incessant talk about the Italy-Germany soccer game that was happening live during the first hour.

Our take: Nothing objectionable, but nothing that really made us want to tune in, either.

Grade: C+

Show review for 6/27/2012

Click here for a brief summary of the show

Highs: We don't normally single out Mark Hart's weekly appearance on the show because it's usually good anyway, but there's no way we can get away without noting how Father Rob jumped all over Mark like a rabid dog this week.

Lows: The tangential discussion about seeking recognition when giving a large gift to the Church just didn't hold our interest. And Lino and Father Rob's mockery of Father Jonathan Morris' recent Fox & Friends appearance (where they made him out to be a priest with anger issues) fell equally as flat.

Our take: This one had us looking at the clock a little bit too often.

Grade: C+

Show review for 6/26/2012

Click here for a brief summary of the show

Highs: Since mockery is what Lino does best, it's no surprise that our favorite part of this show was his dissection of the obviously-stilted CNN piece about the Vatican's hiring of a new communications advisor from Fox News. We also felt that Lino did a decent job defending himself against the listeners' assertions of laziness after yesterday's show got canceled at the last minute, and the whole "I'm thinking about getting a pet" segment was surprisingly entertaining.

Lows: While he defended himself well against the laziness accusations, Lino still never explained why he waited until 12 minutes before the start of the show before telling us that it wouldn't be live... that's probably what ticked most people off, and not the fact that the show itself was canceled.

Our take: A generally solid show that takes a minor hit for skirting around the aspect of yesterday's show cancellation that really mattered.

Grade: B